Hey gang back as you can see from Wargames con and going over my notes from the 40k singles. I did about what I expected, i had two big loses 2 big wins a straight draw, a minor loss and an I"m too hung over finally. In the process of going over my notes both on paper and the ones in my head, I found somethings about myself, the list I took and most importantly some simple rules of engagement.
Let us begin at the beginning because it is a very good place to start. I went with my comfort zone, Lysander. I love the man the myth the legion and in 3 of the six games the 7th doesn't count as I was destroyed like spencer at adepticon and couldn't play it, I played Lysander like a champion in the other 3 however I set him up for abject failure.
Game 1 Lysander vs the Assault cannon rodeo of the Blood Angels
Okay game 1 I in my moment of Zen like brilliance decided to do exactly what I warned myself against 100times, but all my eggs in a single basket and send it through the warp. Nothing bad will happen, famous last words. The set up libby, 8 man assault termies 7 TH/SS 1 LCs and Lysander all deployed behind my armored wall. I open the gate of infinity no issue, I then proceed to deepstrike. I roll the scatter die forward toward his line double 4's 1 man is toast. But wait it gets better 1" away from his razorback, its cool 66% chance of only mildly bad things happening...I roll my mishap its a 2. Yup all my termies lysander and my libby gone in a puff of smoke. At which point I decided to have fun. I killed some stuff, he killed more of my stuff. I end the game with 1 pt.
What did I learn? Don't put all your eggs in one basket and send it through the warp. 1 and only time I did that for the tourney. However the fear that the incident caused hampered me in later games. When it may have been more prudent to take some risk. The other point I learned which is a recurring theme is I deployed my terminators poorly. There designed to take a pounding they should have been deployed as far forward as possible and used as a net against his speedy razors. Instead I deployed cowardly and reilyed on the warp to save me. Believe in the emperors armor not the tricks of the of warp.
Game 2 wait for it Lysander vs the Lawn Equipment of the Imperial Guard
This game was interesting my combimelta alpha strike proceded to flounder resulting in a single shaken on the Demolotion plasma cannon Lehman russ. This time I did something equally fun and stupid with my libby and my terminators, instead of making the unit earn its points, I instead hold the unit back. I would blame the fact that I was starving at this point but honestly, the 2 coors before teh game are more likely culprits then low blood sugar. Had I pressed his flank with my terminators instead of playing hey just shoot them, I would have had a better result.
What we learned friends don't let friends play tactically stupid. This game was purely lost by a lack of basic game play on my part. What great is I never do that at my home store. No I wait till it matters.
Game 3 Lysander vs Vulkan Hestan and the funky bunch
This game I saw an interesting Space Marines with Vulkan build and all of a sudden my brain realized it was time to play some Warhammer 40k. Turn 1 his landraider exploded to my sternguard, His thunderfire cannon was broken his rhino was destroyed and his ironclad dreadnaught was immoblized and lost its melta arm. From here I played clean up, he had two horrific mishaps with a landspeeder and a unit of Tactical terminators both being eaten by the warp. We ended on turn 5 due to time constrants with me holding two objectives and contesting the third with my terminators ready to charge his two remaining units the next turn had we had the time. Very good game, bad luck by my opponent with two deepstrikes he should have attempted in the locations he did. But such are the vagerys of the dice.
Game 4 Lysander vs the Blood Angels 60 boots with 2 sangs and Sanguinator
This game Lysander taught the blood angels why being fearless sucks! My sternguard and hellfire rounds eat the sanguintor on turn 2. He deep struck too close to me with most of his units. So that he only got a single charge on me. Lysander ate two ten man blood raged assault squads and two sang priests. I missed full points by having my terminators gate scatter too far away from his finally jp sqaud. Great game but blood angels that don't get the charge off are target practice.
What I learned, Stubborn has its advantages when you bring terminators to mop up. Sternguard eat lots of things. Lysander is dead sexy some games!
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